Getting to the root of my anger. I am working through it. Trying to get to the root cause. I figured out where it’s being directed but why it’s there? I mean I know why some of the anger is there. Cancer can go fuck itself. Today is the fourth anniversary of my diagnosis. Four years of shit, four years of hell, four years of my life being derailed. I can’t believe it’s been four years.
Is it safe to get back on the life track? Can I let my guard down enough with cancer to move on with life? When will it be safe, if ever? Will I find my groove again?
I have so much more work to do still. I feel like I have made so much progress already but there is so much more work to do. Mentally taxing and emotionally draining. I hate having to talk through problems like an adult. But I will, I am putting in the work to get better. Stronger. Building upon a foundation to get me through this.