After being back at work now for some time I have realized that work is different. It’s not harder; it’s just different for me. I have realized possibly from the chemo or being out of practice for so long that I HAVE TO WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. The days of just remembering from one day to the next are gone. I have to write myself notes, write down conversations and utilize my calendar as much as possible. I have to double check things more often and make sure I tell people the correct information but overall I hope it hasn’t affected my performance. I knew there would be challenges to coming back to work. It’s frustrating at times to not “just remember” when I know I should know the information, but can’t fucking recall it if my life depended upon it. One day I will get back to that point I am sure of it. Or at least still hold out hope for it.
Another aspect I am still getting used to is by the end of the day I am spent. My load is blown. I just want to get home and sit on my couch and watch law and order or SVU. My energy is not the same as it once was. It could be the meds and lack of sleep I get during the night but I manage through the day. But honestly by Friday I am done. I usually want to be in bed by 8, falling asleep because I can’t physically keep my eyes open any longer.
Other than these two major differences for the most part, I feel the same. Hopefully my work is the same. But it’s hard for me to judge myself.