Monthly Archives: October 2015


A lot of people always comment, “I don’t know how you do it”, ” you are amazing”, “you look so good, I can’t believe you beat cancer”, “you are so strong” on and on with positive uplifting words.  I know with all my heart people mean nothing but the best but the truth is…I am just doing what anyone else in my position would be doing.  When you aren’t given a choice, you  just do it.  It’s like auto-pilot.  I probably don’t talk about it as much as some people would expect and I definitely don’t tell strangers or people I just meet what I am going through.  No one has any idea really, if they didn’t already know.  Truth be told, I don’t care.

I don’t want to be the “sick” person.  I just want my new fucking normal back.   However horrible or life changing new life it may be.  I just want this last year to be over.  The article posted below is a lot of how I feel, just tired.  I wish I could verbally express the way I feel like some of the articles I read.

“I didn’t really feel happy after cancer ended”


Yup, that song pops in my head every single time, final countdown.  It’s more annoying than anything.  I am not sure how they played that every single show.  Ugh.

Ahhh, 12 months of treatment left.  I know it seems such a long time to go, but heck it’s already been 2 years so this milestone is amazing.  I haven’t yet pinpointed my exact completion date.  I am still taking one month at a time.  I don’t want to jinx this whole thing.  But let me tell you that when this shit is over, there will be a celebration.   A massive celebration.

If Not then What?

Cancer Identity by Elise Frame

This is truly amazing article to me.  I could not have said it better.  I am still fighting cancer and going through chemo but yet I am in remission so I have a hard time finding an identity.  Do I have cancer?  Well, technically speaking no, I do not.  I am in remission.   Am I done with treatment?  No, I still have about 13 months left.  So where does this leave me?  I am not yet a survivor, but yet I am not with cancer.  I don’t know what I am really.  What defines me??