Death Talks?!

Death conversations?  Are these a real thing?  Is this what friends talk about?  I mean seriously?!

Therapy is a funny thing. How do you know if you are on the same page as your therapist? I didn’t go see her for a “pity party”. I went to her to find the tools needed for support. I don’t want to go there to feel sorry for myself. I don’t see the point in that. This isn’t what it about for me. I haven’t felt worry for myself this entire process, so why would I start now? I came here to prepare myself for the future. So I don’t loose it on someone. Tools. I know why I cope with certain topics the way I do. I mean not to harp on a dead subject but who, specifically people without cancer, talk to their friends in general about death? Are these real conversations that people have? Well regardless I am not having them nor am I going to have them with my friends. I feel as though i have the same chances of being hit by a car as getting cancer again. If it happens I will cross that bridge when I get there.

Such a strange feeling left inside of me after this, that I couldn’t let it go.  I am still thinking about it.

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