No BIG Deal.

Cancer is officially Fucked.  I took my last chemo pill last Friday, July 15, 2016.  I am finally done.  I still don’t feel completely out of the woods yet.  I am not sure when I will.  All I know is it feels amazing to be done.  It has been a three year journey of mostly downs and a few ups that has just been exhausting.  I am exhausted, tired and burnt out.  I have nothing left to fight with.  I really don’t even know where to go from here.  There are still a lot of doctor appointments to take place.  Follow up with my hematologist every month, dermatologist, neurologist that just happened and some other testing that will take place in October.  It’s just nice to hopefully soon feel must better without all these meds running through me.  I still have a few meds to take but nothing like what I used to.  I don’t think it’s really set in yet, well not fully.  I don’t feel excited or really anything.  I think I am just done feeling.  I am drained mentally and physically.   My body still hurts and I still can’t sleep.  So it may be a while before everything really sets in.  We will see…..

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