Getting My Head on Straight.

So much to my surprise, the physical has been the easy part thus far.  As I get closer to the end.  Yes, finally seeing a finish line.  My mental state has definitely suffered.  I am finally realizing what I have gone through this past two and a half years.  To quote my favorite movie, “I climbed through a river of shit to come out clean on the other side.”  Fuck.  I cannot believe it’s been this long.  So I am proactively taking steps to better mental health.  Also so I don’t lose my shit and go postal on everyone.  (insert winky face) Ugh, who am I?

Hmm, some very important questions are coming up about life after treatment?  I mean besides what I am going to do with all my free time.  Serious life questions.  Quite frankly it’s exhausting.

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