Come On ACNs.

I need my ACNs(absolute neutraphils) to be at the very least 0.9 for my bone marrow biopsy.  On Monday I was 0.7.  I NEED them to come up.  So frustrating.  Come on body, please cooperate so it doesn’t get delayed another week.  Ideally they would love for my ACN count to be at 1.2, but I highly doubt that will happen.  Which totally sucks.  I just want an accurate count and reading.  I need to know what we are going to do next.  Not knowing is killing me.  Or at least driving me slowly crazy.  Come on body, cooperate.  I know that it typically takes a while for my body to regenerate ACN’s, but seriously it’s been almost two and a half weeks.  Let’s go already.

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