I Made it to 32 Bitches!

Kids cancer couldn’t take me out.  I made it to 32, bitches.  Yes, today is my birthday.  Although this year I will be spending the day much differently than in the past.  I will be at the hospital for my weekly doctors appointment.  YAY me.  All I wish for my birthday is to continue on to course 5 of this shit.  That’s all.  Nothing more.

2 thoughts on “I Made it to 32 Bitches!

  1. Robyn

    😀 Bummer that you had to spend you birthday at the doctor, but it sounds like everything is moving in the right direction, which is a very good thing!! And you’re going to go back to work too! Wonderful!! So glad to hear you’re doing better, keep it going girl, you got this!!


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