My Brother’s Inside of Me

On Monday, my brother’s cells were transplanted.  The whole thing took longer to prepare than the actual infusion itself.  It took about seven minutes and it was done.  I was so hopped up on Benadryl that I really just wanted to sleep.  I felt and looked high as a kite.  Thank you IV Benadryl.  So, then I slept for three hours after and it was amazing.  Apparently because of the preservative that they add to the cells when freezing them, there is a side effect that I smelt like “concentrated fruit juice” for about 24 hours after.  So weird, considering I could not smell it at all.  I guess from what all the nurses were saying it’s like a birthday, hence the day zero.  So we are two days in and no changes really so that’s good.  It will take about 10 to 15 days for engraftment to take place, that’s when all the side effects if any will happen.  Graft vs. host, etc…

My counts are almost zero’s and I just wait in the hospital now until they tell me I can go home.  I feel like all of this could have been done as an outpatient but I understand the caution.  I still have my hair, although it is thinning (a part of me just wants to shave it again).  Just be done with it already.

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