Infusion #3

This one completely wiped me out.  More than expected this time.  Yes, my levels were extremely low.  Platelets at 36 (normal is 150 to 450) and blood at 8.5 (normal is 12-16).  I didn’t get any transfusions that Tuesday.  I did get both blood (at 8.3) and platelets (at 17) yesterday though.  Thankfully.  I do feel better but still a little run down.  I am being slowly taken off the steroids as well so it may have some effects, possibly but not entirely sure.  I am tired of feeling so tired all the time.  It’s just exhausting.  I am over it.  I just want energy back for more than moments or a day or so.  I mean I get why but it’s just tiring after a while.  I wish I could take a vacation from myself already.

Next week I get my bone marrow biopsy.  I really hope this is working.  Ugh.

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