So of course there hasn’t been a lot of information regarding potential side effects for this treatment but thus far, compared to everything else, it hasn’t been that bad. There has been nausea, headaches and some night leg cramping. Yup, those fucking cramps are back and now I am wondering if it has something to do with all the steroids? CD22 work your magic. Get rid of these cells. Attack and Destroy! I mean it would definitely help if I were sleeping consistently but it’s a lot of my control. So I said fuck it last night and when the leg cramps starting kicking in, I went and took some morphine. Fuck it. The ambient wasn’t really doing it and the steroids are messing with me so much, I reached my line. I mean that is what they are there for so why not. Now for the fun narcotic constipation that comes along with taking morphine. It’s really a weight of options, sleep or poop? Sounds dumb but these are the kind of things I contemplate these days.
Attack and Destroy!
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