CD22 is finally happening today. It has felt like such a long wait. I am ready to just do this already. I am nervous. I have a TON of anxiety. I don’t know what to expect. There is so much unknown to this whole process, just thinking about it is overwhelming. I guess it hadn’t really set in until now because there was so much waiting. The drug is being infused today so hopefully they are correct that there are minimal side effects. This whole process will be over the next 28 days. Day one, day eight, day 15 and day 21 for infusion. Day 21 should be another bone marrow biopsy. That’s whole process in a nut shell.
I have a feeling this is what I need. I don’t know why or how but I feel like this is going to work. CD22 is my bridge. This is the treatment that will get me to transplant. I feel this.
This will work, have faith! May God Bless You!!!
Positivity is the key, good for you Casey!! 🙂 I too have faith that this is the treatment that will get you to transplant. Good luck, god bless and sending an extra dose of positive thoughts and prayers, as well as lots of love and hugs!! Go Casey Go, you got this!!